Tuesday, January 6, 2009

L2Warlock Blog Moving?

To our devoted readers, we are considering moving our Blog to the Warlock's Den. Akasha has done great things for warlocks with his site, and it would be an honor to host our blog there. However, we do also care what you all think! So, if you can provide us with feedback on this possible change, we'd really love to hear it! You can post comments, or if you wish to do so privately, email us at FMCLEARLY@gmail.com.

Here is a sample of a WOWMB blog:



Michael said...

All good if you move your blog, as long as they can be subscribed to on WOWMB just like they can here.

Fallenman said...

Yep, you can subscribe to blogs just like you do here. I actually like the format a bit better, particularly with how comments are displayed, etc.

Scott said...

Personally I enjoy blogspot, but do let us know here if you move, when you move so I can follow you there!

For my 2c about wowmb, i've never really been a fan of their site design, awesome content aside.

Unknown said...

I'd be happy if you moved there...because I always forget what the address for this site is and have to check it off your sticky on the official warlock forums.

apparently I need to l2memory :P

Jadenal said...

im on the den pretty much every day. fine by me. kill two birds with one stone so to speak! :P

Cody said...

Well, I'm not such a fan of the wowmb format, but like Jadenal says, 2 birds, one stone and all that.

Fallenman said...

We'll probably be moving in the next week or so then. We'll leave all this content up of course, and we'll also post a direct link to the new blog location as well. :)

Lise F said...

Hehe, Silbuns here - thanks for the linkage! Well, of course I'd love it if you moved to the Den, but we'll always have Google Reader, either way.

Anonymous said...

Not a fan, then work will blog the website :/

Richard said...

Just wanted to stick my nose in here and let those who don't like the format know that Fallenman and Clearly have the ability to customize their blog to look anyway they like. This includes background image or colour, border colours etc.

So hopefully together you find something that suits both Fallenman and the fans.

On the topic of those that dislike the site - you are always more than welcome to post feedback either via the private section (contact a mod) or public (site related) on the forums. Or by sending me an email.

I'm very happy to have Fallenman join us as a resident blogger and hopefully this will help gain him a much larger audience. I'll be doing my best to promote his work as much as possible!

Richard said...
